lncome Generation Consultancy
Full service fundraising & social value support, championing a legacy first approach via life planning solutions and philanthropic giving.
Generating income can be challenging...
...funding is not guaranteed but is vital to your mission as a not-for-profit or business. So how can life planning and philanthropy go hand in hand and drive income across sectors at the same time?
Keepace is here to inform how to add another dimention to your income generation, unlocking social value and promoting legacies.
We provide training around how to increase profit at the same time as having a positive impact on people, places and planet.
We deliver expert advice and workshops as well as practical fundraising solutions across all income streams.
Life planning can be an employee benefit at the same time as a valuable income stream for charities.

Do you want to know how promoting end of life planning and sharing as opportunity to leave a legacy messages can result in Social Value that can help procure commercial contracts as well as supporting amazing causes?
Are you looking to expand your Social Value and have an interest in unlocking legacy income potential for not-for-profits?
If you are an employer, do you know that offering a Will writing service can be an important Employee Benefit as well as a means of supporting not-fot-profits and driving meaningful social impact?
We can show you how to make life planning a means to avoid life administrative mess and at the same time, unlock philanthropy and commercial profit.
Is your C-Suite or charitable Trustees in need of training or reassurance about your income generation plans? We're here to help.
If you recognise an opportunity and would like to talk about external support to enhance your income generation, then look no further.
Keepace are keen to support you and can offer a range of solutions that will work along with you, in partnership to help add value and efficiency to your philanthropy and profit plans.
What's to know?